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Tutoring is proven to help students be more successful!
Tutoring All Subjects

My family loves Leslie's Tutoring. We've seen the results in math skills in our son. We appreciate having such an amazing resource nearby.

— Amanda,

Port Orchard Mom

I got where I needed to be in my profession because of Leslie's ability to explain math in multiple ways. There's no better tutoring center in the state!!

I love Leslie's Tutoring... My son was a full grade behind in school and we were looking to see if we could catch him up instead of holding him back. Along with the tutor, we worked hard all year and he is just about caught up and loving school this year. 

— Jennifer,

Port Orchard Mom

— Christy,

Port Orchard Nurse

At Leslie's Tutoring, we offer tutoring in a variety of subjects for students of all ages and grades! In comparison to other tutoring, we allow parents and students to work one on one with a specific tutor to find just the help the student needs. Whether it be meeting one time a week for accountability/organizational skills and time management or meeting multiple times a week for help in a different academic subjects, Leslie's Tutoring is designed to be flexible in its offering to meet the needs of all students from kindergarten to college.

Upon beginning tutoring at the center, Leslie sits with each parent and student to hear their particular needs. She then creates a tutoring plan for the tutor to use with the student to ensure the student's success. Regularly, Leslie and the tutor check in to see how the plan is working and make adjustments when necessary. Your student's success is our number one goal! 

Every student has a unique style of learning, a style that works best for them. Our tutors are trained to prioritize and identify the student's learning style and then use that style to maximize the student's learning experience. 

Individualized, Customized 
Learning Plans
Students Require Different Approaches to Learning

If your student is struggling in any of the following areas/subjects:

  • Reading

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Writing

  • Math

  • Science

  • Foreign Language: Spanish or French 

  • Organization

  • Homework Help

  • Test Prep: GED, SAT, ACT, ASVAB, or Accuplacer

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